U/15 Boys take Championship

U/15 Championship Final

Killavilla Utd 2-1 Moneygall Fc

In a rerun of a semi final from two weeks ago where Moneygall gutted us in a penalty shootout out, our lads had a chance to turn the tables and get their revenge. Moneygall started the stronger and were denied two goals thanks to fine saves from Killian Spencer. We gained momentum and chances went abegging until the twenty third minute as Ben Leamy was fouled in the area, Ben dusted himself off and stepped up to calmly slot the ball past the keeper to give us the lead. Leamy found himself bearing down on goal again five minutes later after a fine pass from Alex Andronis and again, calm as you like, Ben rounded the keeper to slot the ball home. Chances again went abegging and nerves kicked in, Moneygall grabbed one back with four minutes to go but our lads stood stong to make it four trophies from four finals for the club. Big shoutout to the coaches Shane Ryan, Mike Leamy, Marcus Beck and James Kirwan.

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